Reston Spring

Reston Spring
Reston Spring

Friday, November 26, 2010

GMU Seeks Funding For Route 123 Overpass, Burke Connection, November 23, 2010

University's proposal could shift local traffic patterns in city, county.
By Julia O'Donoghue
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
George Mason University is pursuing funding for major transportation upgrades at its Fairfax campus that could have a profound effect on local traffic congestion in both central Fairfax County and the City of Fairfax.

University officials have proposed building two roads through a large portion of the school grounds on the western side of Route 123. The school's plans also call for a flyover to be built above Route 123 near Mason's new convention center, bridging the divide between the school's eastern and western properties.

THESE TRANSPORTATION LINKS would allow commuters from many directions to avoid the heavily congested Route 123/Braddock Road intersection near the southeast corner of Mason's main campus. . . .
. . . THE FAIRFAX City Council's reaction to the Mason proposal was not as positive as (Braddock District County Supervisor John) Cook's.  "This came up so quick. It totally caught us by surprise," said Fairfax City Mayor Robert Lederer.

Two new roads and a flyover for GMU because of congestion on suburban Fairfax streets, yet a profound unwillingness for the County or the State to consider bridges or tunnels to cross the 8-lane Dulles Corridor in Reston.  And why isn't Cathy Hudgins, our County Supervisor, pushing for these Corridor crossings at least as hard as her Braddock counterpart is for GMU?

Read the rest of this meaty article here

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